Tuesday 11 June 2013

Research : Top 10 selling Mario Games

Taking a look at the top 10 bestselling Mario games as a graph really shows how popular the franchise is. If we looked at other top 10 a lot of them wouldn’t even have one game that sold as much as the 10th bestsellingMario game.

Here are other Mario sales: 12 games sold 10 million or more units and 32 sold five million or more units. 57 games sold two million or more units and 77 sold one million or more units. Also more than 500 million games have been sold for the franchise. This is more than the total number of games sold on a majority of gaming platforms.

Here is the breakdown in Mario sales by platform. 78.43 million Mario games were sold on the NES and 49.83 million were sold on the SNES. 34.46 million Mario games were sold on the Nintendo 64 and 30.08 million were sold on the GameCube. 116.40 million Mario games have been sold on the Wii to date, more than any other platform.

For the handhelds, 47.76 million Mario games were sold on the Gameboy and 33.34 million were sold on the Gameboy Advance. 89.09 million Mario games have sold on the DS to date and 21.33 million have been sold on 3DS to date.
Here is the breakdown by regions. Just over half of the total Mario games have been sold in North America, 253.24 million units or 50.5 percent of the total games sold in Mario franchise. 112.75 million Mario games have been sold in Europe which is 22.5 percent of the total games sold in Mario franchise. 109.11 million Mario games have been sold in Japan which is 21.7 percent of the total games sold in Mario franchise. The remaining sales, 26.65 million units, were sold in the remaining regions around the world.

There have been seven games released for the Mario Kart series. One has been released for every Nintendo platform, except for the NES and Gameboy. While there is none on the Wii U yet, there will be one in the future. The seven Mario Kart games have sold 93.56 million units to date or 18.6 percent of the total games sold inMario franchise.

There have been 12 Super Mario Bros. games (including the New series) released to date. Four of them have sold 10 million or more units and seven have sold five million or more units. They have sold a combined 140.42 million units to date or 28.0 percent of the total games sold in Mario franchise.

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