Tuesday 26 June 2012

Final Artwork

       This is my Artwork for Visual Expression assigment look like. Each of thing of my artwork have their own meaning that I will give this artwork title as PROTECTION ("Love" Parent).
      I'am using branch, leave and spine as symbol as child that need take care and protect their parent because nowday, many article through mass media that tell about this issue.
      Their kid sent their parent to "Pusat Jagaan Orang Tua" (Elderly Care Center) and I already visit that place in Taman Melawati, Puchong. It so sad when we take alook at them and I hope I can take care of my parent until the last breath.
        I using leave represent as us, kid that still young. For the parent, I represent them as the branch. And for the spine, it represent as sensitivity.

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