Tuesday 4 September 2012

Final Output for Video

The output that is simple and telling the whole idea that I think about Time & Space : Student Life.

Final Output for Poster

It look simple but also have a meaning.
The box at the left corner represent a student that think about his/her past for exmple what they already do and what they get from that and also think about his/her future for example how they want their life will go and what direction and what goal will they need.

The curved line represent the flasback or memories that they have when they be a student, it really road what hard to go through and they realize that even they live in the past, actually only a small thing that they do in this world and still feel empty in their life.

The glow line represent the future when a student want make a goal and they will try their best to catch what they want and that all should have alot of effort and it even harder that the past road.

Process of the Video

I'am using Adobe After Effect to make the effect of flashback scene.

Using glow effect to represent future life.

To make the whole video, I blend it all in Windows Movie Maker.

Skectch for A3

A few idea that I can make as a poster..


This is the story telling with how I want the video will be.

Skectch for Video

 For the skectch, I just have a random idea that can related to time & space.

Mind Map

This is the mind map where I state all word that appear in my mind when thinking about time & space.

Assignment 4 : Time & Space